

Michelle Koegler is a bold, clever designer out to reinvent herself in a creative profession. With a degree in Chemical Engineering and a stint in the Peace Corps, followed by a few years in Corporate America, she has taken a non-traditional path to her passion. She has a knack for adaptation and finds inspiration from challenging herself, both personally and creatively.

Fresh out of college, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, Michelle landed in Ghana, West Africa, with the Peace Corps where she fell in love with the vibrant colors, spicy food, and joyous spirit of the local culture and peoples. Shortly after returning to her home in the Midwest, Michelle joined Accenture, a large consulting firm. Despite becoming a successful IT consultant working on a number of multi-million dollar engagements, she remained uninspired, ultimately realizing that her greatest joys came from creating elegant presentations, doodling on the whiteboards and delving into artistic personal projects in her free time. Art was calling, and Michelle switched out her power suit for the Adobe Creative Cloud and hasn't looked back. 

Michelle followed her dreams to FIDM, Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising SF, and received her Associate of Arts in Graphic Design in 2017. Her design philosophy centers around the marriage of her right and left brain; her analytic background giving her designs a slick edge, meticulous attention to detail, and an empathetic user mindset that makes a designer great. 

View her resume here.